Archive for the 'Ideas to think about' Category

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Earth Days and After

Have had a lot of conversations over the years with Dean about whether “earth care” should be one of our priorities. We’ve always shared a love of the outdoors, even though he’s always been the teacher whenever we are out in the field or woods. I’ll admit that I used to argue that this earth […]

Surprising the Crowd and the Judges

While remembering the emotion I felt watching Susan Boyle amaze the judges and the crowd, I’ve just read the third and fourth chapters of Acts with new appreciation. If you have time over the weekend, am thinking you also may find a smile if you see any relationship between: i.e.  (a) Susan and those who […]

The Mysterious Third Feast of Israel

Moses asked Israel to remember their Exodus Passover on the 14th of the Hebrew month of  Nisan (Lev 23:5).  He said the next day (the 15th) was to begin  seven days of Unleavened Bread and called the first day a no-work/Sabbath (vv 6-7). Moses went on to say that, once Israel was in their promised […]

One for All and…

Last night, went for a long walk and listened along the way  to a podcast of a  Los Angeles Times religion reporter telling NPR’s Dick Gordon how he had been born-again– only to later lose his faith while covering the scandals of the church community. Woke up this  morning to hear the disturbing news that […]

What Does the Cross Mean to Us?

Most civilized people would consider it morbid to wear jewelry or clothing that displays the likeness of a hangman’s noose, an electric chair, or a guillotine. Yet millions display the most cruel form of Roman execution around their necks  or on the tops of their houses of worship. And within the next 24 hours even […]

Why Doesn’t Paul Quote Jesus?

In so many ways, the Apostle Paul mirrors the heart of Christ. Where can we find a better example of a transformed follower of Jesus who suffered so much, and worked so tirelessly for the growth and perfection of “the Body” (i.e. 2Cor 11:23-31)? Who else can we point to who so faithfully speaks in […]

Pastoral or Elder Rule?

I’m convinced that there are few callings more honorable or difficult than that of a pastor-shepherd. If we think the relationship between husband and wife is problematic, imagine the complexity involved in the relationship between church congregations and their spiritual leaders. Interestingly, the New Testament likens both church and marriage to a body and discusses at […]

In Crisis

Have been trying to decide what to think about a recent news story that a well known and respected pastor is predicting that a catastrophic, imminent event will devastate American and global cities. Says he doesn’t know where or when. But feels compelled to warn. Another article described the soon collapse of the evangelical movement […]

Feeling Down

What do we do when we’re out of sorts, on edge, not ourselves, dogged by a dark cloud of sadness, and then, on top of it all, feeling guilty for not being able to think or pray ourselves out of it? Spiritual talk that is supposed to help leaves us cold. So, with a bit […]

Ruth and the Law of Exclusion

One of the provocative questions raised by the Old Testament story of Ruth is how a Moabite could be accepted into the community of Israel. Moses had said in behalf of God, “An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter the assembly of the LORD; even to the tenth generation none of his descendants shall enter […]

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